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Board of Directors

Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S’ Board of Directors comprises a total of eight members who have been elected to protect the interests of the shareholders as best as possible and to ensure an appropriate and balanced development of the company both in the short and the long term. The Board of Directors is in charge of the overall and strategic management of the company. 

Five members are elected by the General Meeting

The preference shareholders have the right to elect one board member whereas the ordinary shareholders elect the remaining board members. The election of Board members representing each individual share class is determined by a simple majority of votes. The board members resign every year, but re-elections may take place.

Three members are elected by the employees

In Denmark, the company’s employees elect three board members according to the current provisions of the Danish Companies Act. Staff-elected board members are elected for a term of four years. In addition, the company’s employees also elect an equivalent number of alternates who are elected for a similar term.

Staff-elected Board members have good knowledge of the company’s activities and contribute in a constructive way to the decisions of the Board, and they have the same rights, duties, and responsibilities as Board members elected by the General Meeting. 

The Board of Directors holds meetings 6-7 times a year.


Henning Baunbæk Dyremose, Chair of the Board of Directors
Manager of Henning Dyremose ApS; HD Invest, Virum ApS; HCE Invest, Virum ApS; CD Invest, Virum ApS and Elly Dyremose ApS.
 Born 1945.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Chair of the Board of Directors since 2007.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 1997.
- Chair of Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S’ Audit Committee.
- Elected by class A shareholders.
- As Henning Dyremose has been a member of the Board of Directors for more than 12 years, he cannot, according to the ‘Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance’, be characterised as being independent of the Company.

- Broad leadership experience in business, finance and politics.
- Experience as managing director of a wholesale company with the same customers as Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S.
- Former Minister of Finance.

Managerial Posts
- Chair of the Board at AO Invest A/S.

Erik Holm, Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors
 Manager of Erik Holm Holding ApS and JU-CH Holding ApS.
- Born 1960.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2009.
- Member of Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S' Audit Committee.
- Elected by class A shareholders.
- As Erik Holm has been a member of the Board of Directors for more than 12 years, he cannot, according to the 'Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance', be characterised as being independent of special interests.

- Experience as managing director of a wholesale company with the same customers as Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S.
- Broad leadership experience in sales, finance and logistics, both in Denmark and internationally.
- Experience of Board work in other listed companies.

Managerial Posts
- Chair of the Board at  CR EL & TEKNIK A/S, Hotel Koldingfjord A/S, ScanCom International A/S, NORR11 Holding ApS og NORR11 International ApS.
- Deputy Chair of the Board at SP Group A/S, Arvid Nilssons Fond and AO Invest A/S.
- Member of the Board at Dragsholm Slot P/S, Hotelselskabet af 8. februar 2018 K/S and Miluda Invest ApS.

René Alberg
- Product Manager.
- Born 1971.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Staff-elected member of the Board of Directors.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2006.
- Re-elected in 2022, term expires in 2026.

Ann Fogelgren
 Chief Information Officer of GN Store Nord A/S.
- Born 1974.
- Nationality: Swedish.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2023.
- Member of Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S' Audit Committee.
- Elected by class A shareholders.
- According to the 'Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance' Ann Fogelgren can be characterised as being independent of the Company.

- PhD in Information Systems from Copenhagen Business School in 2005. 
- Former CIO posts at a number of large Danish companies.
- Former CDO.

Managerial Posts
- Member of the Board at AO Invest A/S.

Peter Gath
 CFO of St. Jørgen Holding ApS and Manager of Strategia Finans ApS.
- Born 1965.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2023.
- Deputy Chair of Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S' Audit Committee.
- Elected by class B shareholders.
- According to the 'Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance' Peter Gath can be characterised as being independent of the Company.

- State-Authorised Public Accountant.
- Cand.jur. (Master of Law) and cand.merc.aud (Master of Science (MSc) in Business Administration and Auditing).
- Adunct Professor at CBS.
- Former long-term Audit Partner at KPMG and EY and former Chair of tHE Institute of State Authorised Public Accountants in Denmakr (FSR - danske revisorer).
- Former external auditor for Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S.

Managerial Posts
- Chair of the Board at FSRs Studie- & Understøttelsesfond and Fonden Johannes Hages Hus.
- Member of the Board at Milde-Fonden, Lyn Midé A/S, Konsolidator A/S and  AO Invest A/S.

Leif Hummel
- Warehouse Operations Manager.
- Born 1963.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Staff-elected member of the Board of Directors.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2022. Previous member of the Board of Directors from 2014 to 2018.
- Re-elected in 2022, term expires in 2026.

Marlene L. Jakobsen
- Store Manager.
- Born 1983.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Staff-elected member of the Board of Directors.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2022.
- Elected in 2022, term expires in 2026.

Managerial Posts
- Member of the Board at Dansk Rugby Union, Kødbyforeningen and Rugby Europe.

Niels Axel Johansen
- Chief Executive Officer of Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S.
- Born 1939.
- Nationality: Danish.
- Member of the Board of Directors since 1979.
- Elected by class A shareholders.
- As Niels A. Johansen has been a member of the Board of Directors for more than 12 years and is a member of the Executive Board, he cannot, according to the ‘Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance’, be characterised as being independent of the Company.

- Long-time managerial experience as CEO.
- In-depth knowledge of the wholesale industry of installation materials in Denmark and the rest of Europe.

Managerial Posts
- Chair of the Board of Directors at Avenir Invest ApS.
- In addition, Niels A. Johansen is the CEO and member of the Board of Directors of a consolidated company and the Chair of the Board of Directors of three consolidated companies.